Sunday, April 7, 2013


what you know about migraine?? as usual.. the answer is some kind of bad headache is it...

lets see what i've got from the Internet about migraine actually....

" A Migraine headache may be described as a type of headache that causes a throbbing and pulsating pain around the head. The pain may be on one side of the head and its degree also varies from time to time and can last up to several hours or more. The Migraine headache is type of vascular headache that involves abnormal sensitivity of arteries within the brain resulting in triggers that often lead to rapid changes in the artery, resulting from spasm. As a result of this other arteries in the brain and scalp dilate resulting in terrible pain in the head.
Often as a result of Migraine headache a patient might be affected with sleep disruptions; fits of depression, nausea, vomiting and one might also become sensitive to light, sound, and smell. People with Migraine headaches get these attacks again and again though the intensity becomes lesser with time. "

symptoms of this migraine is................

" Migraine headaches usually are described as an intense, throbbing or pounding pain involving one temple.  The pain can also be located in the forehead, around the eye, or the back of the head. The pain usually is usually on one side of the head, (unilateral); although about a third of the time the pain can be on both sides of the head, (bilateral). The unilateral headaches typically change sides from one attack to the next. If a unilateral headache always occurs on the same side the patient should alert the doctor because it may be an indication of a brain tumor. "

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